Their experiences in transportation, backed by years of rigorous services, quality and professionalism have led Padrós to become one of the companies of transport of professional athletes and amateurs most important in Catalonia.

Autopullman Padrós was born in 1967, when José Padrós, professional swimmer, aims to enhance the swimming among schools schools of Barcelona offering himself classes of winter swimming.

In addition to create a new need and service for schools, realizes that he also created the necessity for the transport of students in swimming lessons.The first bus, which was driven by José Padrós, made his first trip in 1967, but was not until 1968 when he founded the company Autocares José Padrós, which would become in 1990in what is today known as Autopullman Padrós, S.A.

José Padrós offered an integral service which joined his vision of continuous improvement and his eagerness to offer a human and friendly, customized service, allowed him a rapid expansion in the province of Barcelona and the rest of Catalonia.

The begginings of Padrós are found in the school sector, but before the success and the good results of its services since its inception, it has been rapidly as its customers base has grown and diversified. It now covers transportation services of passengers in the sport sector, the business and the tourist.